

Would you like to see more healthy and delicious items on the tuckshop menu at your child’s school? Sign up as one of the ‘Parent Champions’ of Healthy Tuckshop Day!

Australia’s Healthy Tuckshop Day will be held on Friday 22nd June 2018. The day aims to raise awareness of the healthy tuckshop movement in Australia. As a parent, you can sign up to show your support of the initiative and help us advocate for change.

On Healthy Tuckshop Day, schools from across Australia will sign a pledge to declare their commitment to making nutrition a priority in their school tuckshop. We’re encouraging schools to add more healthy ‘green light’ items to their tuckshop menu and start to phase out ‘red light’ items. Healthy habits start early!

When you sign up as one of our ‘Parent Champions’ we will provide you with our ‘advocacy toolkit’, so you can join the fight for healthier tuckshops. Our toolkit contains resources for social media sharing, ways to address the issue with your school leadership team, as well as lots of tips and ideas on how to build a healthy and sustainable tuckshop. You can also encourage your school to sign the Healthy Tuckshop Pledge on the day!

Sign up as one of our ‘Parent Champions’ now!

    Full Name*


    School name



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