The Tuckshop Revolution is a grassroots not-for-profit movement seeking to empower schools and their students to develop and maintain healthy habits.

It aims to encourage and empower schools to improve the health standards of their tuckshop menu. Together, we can help to inspire and educate Australian schools to introduce more cost-effective, easy and delicious healthy options to their tuckshop menus.



We’re not all experts on nutrition, we get that! That’s why we’re here to help you learn some healthy habit essentials! Our nutritionist will review your tuckshop menu and provide recommendations. They can also provide the nutritional breakdown for each item.



Take action by making positive changes to your tuckshop menu to include some healthy, wholesome snacks designed specifically for kids! Take advantage of our special discounts from all our healthy brand partners.



We empower parents and students to make healthy choices. Our online ordering system provides nutritional advice, as well as the option to develop healthy meal plans for kids of all ages, based on your menu!

The Tuckshop Revolution is a journey!

Together we can learn, act and empower!

The Wholefood Collective

